Month: March 2023


LI: To remember and give information about Kokako Lodge

After camp, we created a brochure about information and highlights about our experiences at Kokako Lodge. We used our persuasive skills and gave reasons to why our audience would want to go. We used pictures to show what it is like at Kokako Lodge and what they have to offer.

I found this activity fun because me and my group got to make a DLO convinceing others to have a good experience at Kokako Lodge.

A Momment In Time

LI: To recount and explore the learning and experiences from our Year 7/8 camp

Our group wrote a poem based on our senses like auditory, tactile, visual, and kinesthetic. We used our prior knowledge of the senses and unpacked different words and ideas that describes the Hunua Falls. These moment in time poems represent our experience at Kokako Lodge. One of our ideas were I felt nervous drifting away from the surface and feeling a deep sense of anxiousness. We then used word hippo to find more powerful words to strengthen our poems.

I found this activity interesting because we were helping each other, also by collabrating and sharing our ideas.


LI: To create a collage of photos to represent our experience at Kokako Lodge.

Our class created a collage of photos representing the time and experience we had at Kokako Lodge. The collage shows our achievements and the fun we experienced while being at camp. These photos also showcase the challenges we faced and how we overcame them. The collage we created is like a portfolio, that can give us a reminder on how we accomplished these difficult achievements. 

I found this activity really fun because we got to try out activities that we never thought we would do.

Main Idea

LI: To identify the main ideas in the text

This week we have been learning how to find and collaboratively decide on the main idea in a text by negotiating. We read the text Lester and Clyde. This was a text about the consequences of pollution. Our group think the main idea was: Raise awareness that one piece of rubbish could destroy the habitats of living animals and that your Actions causes consequences.

We found this activity very fun because we got to write important things on sticky notes and ask everyone in our group to see if they agree or disagree with what that person said.

What is a River?

LI: To identify and describe the features of the Tamaki River

This week I have been learning about what rivers are, their unique attributes and how to label them. We then created a DLO about the Tamaki river and its history. Did you know only two people have swam the whole ississippi river? Using our knowledge that we acquired, we showcased the features of the Tamaki river using an aerial map. We then compared the Tamaki River with a prominent river in the world. Our group chose to look at Mississippi. Finally we made a comparison of the two rivers.

We found this activity intresting because we got to learn some new facts about the Tamaki River.