Tag: Maths

Decimal Subtraction

We learnt how to subtract decimal numbers by using the algorithm strategy. Something I found very helpful was remembering to borrow from the next number if the number you are subtracting is higher than what you are subtracting it from. Another helpful tip is by putting the bigger number on top that way it wont be that confusing.

I found this interesting because now I can subtract decimals by using the algorithm strategy easily.

Decimal Addition

We learnt how to add decimals by using writen algorithm. Some things I find that help me is when doing decimal Addition is to always have the numbers aligned as well as adding the place holder 0’s , so that you dont get confused. Always start from right to left and don’t forget to add remainders to the next number.

I found this fun because now I know how to add decimals.

Integers – Multiplication

Multiplication is easy when you know the rules and what negative numbers are. Negative numbers are numbers that have a lower value of zero. Like -1, 1 is lower than 0. Negative multiplied by a positive number will always become a negative number. For example -5 x 5 =-25, because when you multiply a negative number with a positive number it will always become a negative number. But when multiplying a negative by a negative the outcome will always be a positive. For example -6x-6 will be 36.  The answer will not be a negative because you are multiplying a negative number by a negative number.

I found this task a bit chanllenging because I can get confused most times when both numbers are negitave.

How to do Addition Algorithm

Our task was to create a DLO explaining how to do either Multiplication, Subtraction, Addition, Long Divisons and many more. When doing addition its important to remember to carry the ten’s to the next number so people can understand your strategy. Addition is adding 2 numbers together.

I enjoyed this task because it shows others something new they can learn .

How to do Multiplication Algorithm

Our task was to create a DLO explaining how to do either Multiplication, Subtraction, Addition, Long Divisons and many more. When doing multiplication its important to remember the 0 (zero) which is the place holder so people knows that your moving onto the next coloum, but if there’s more numbers to multiply then add 2 place holders 0’s (zero’s) . Multiplication is adding a number by itself multiple times.

I enjoyed this task because it shows others something new they can learn .

Statistical Investigation

LI : To read the text, gather, sort, graph and analyse the data.

Our task was to create a statistical investigation by following the cycle. First me and my partner thought of a question which was “What college would you want to attend?”, then we went around the class asking them about our question. Then we gathered up all our data that we needed to analyse, we found out the answer and which college was picked most. We found out that most people in LS2 would attend Tamaki.

I enjoyed this task because it was fun going around and asking people about which college they would attend.


me and my partner formed a question, our question was “what sports do you play,” then we went around asking the class what sport they play. After we gathered all of the data we analyzed (looked closely). Finally we formed a conclusion, we found out that most people in LS2 don’t play sports.

Understanding Fractions

LI:  To find a fraction of a whole number 

For maths this term we are learning about fractions and in this DLO we are showing our understanding and the strategies we used to find the fraction of a whole number. We used our prior knowledge of multiplication and division to find the answers to the equations.

I found this activity challenging but also fun because I got to experience my first time learning how to Subtract, and Multiply fractions.

Statistical Investigation

LI: To read the text, gather sort, graph and analyse the data

Our maths group created a diagram which shows the top six rivers in Auckland from smallest to largest. We used our collaborative skills to find out the data of each river. We put these rivers in this order from shortest to longest ( Whau River, Puhoi River, Tamaki River, Waitakere River, Hoteo River, and Wairoa River. We used our knowledge to come to the conclusion on what river is the longest out of the 6 rivers in Auckland, which is Wairoa River.

I found this activity was amazing because my group and I were collabrating and sharring our disscusions with each other which helped us with our bargraph.



This week I learnt new things about antarctica.

First I needed to search how siences survive in Antarctica because it’s very cold in antarctica. I found out that they need to survive by their stations and their bases in the antarctica. Antarctica also has things that survive them.

Then I need to search how long it takes for Antarctica to have sunlight. I found out that Antarctica has six months of sunlight and another six months of darkness. 

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn new things about antarctica. I did well on the information. I need to improve on finding more information.


What’s The Time

This week my maths group and I learned about measuring time. I also learnt how to tell the clock.

First I needed to learn two different times which were digital time and analog time.  Digital and analog is a different type of time because the analog time is used in a real clock and the digital time is a time that shows on devices like an iPad or a phone.

Next we needed to do a random time to measure. For example: digital time is 2:12 but analog time would be 12 minutes to 2 hours. I also got to learn about the hands on the clock. For example: the long hand is longer than the minute hand. The long hand is the minute hand and the short hand is the hour hand.

I enjoyed doing this task because I got to learn how to tell an analog time. I did well on guessing some of the digital times. I need to improve on guessing most of the analog times.