Month: March 2024

Vision Board

Our task was to create a vision board about a leader that we look up to and how we can achieve those goals. I choose Valerie Adams because I believe that I am hardworking in not just work but in sports too. With my prior knowledge I believe that Valerie Adams is a really strong and capable woman. 

I really enjoyed researching about her because I got to know more interesting things about her that I didn’t know.

Kawa Of Care – Quest

For the Kawa of Care quest I completed a quiz and answer the questions to figure out which answers we got right. As you can tell by my screenshot I have got all the questions correct as I found it easy to answer, however I got stuck on one question which was ” how many chrombooks can you hold at once?” and I thought the answer would of been 2 but instead it was 1.

I found this activity really fun because the questions were simple and easy.