Day: April 7, 2022

T- Ball Skills

We have revised and learned some new skills. The skills are hitting, running, and throwing.

First we got warmed up by playing a game called noodle tag. Noodle tag is like hitting someone with a bat but with a noodle. When you get tagged you have to stand on one leg and hold your balance and count up to ten. If you lose your balance then you have to start from zero.

Next coach Cameron taught us how to ball and a good position to ball. First he told us to put the bat up to our belly button, and to keep our legs apart.

Lastly played t ball but we switched teams and played against those teams.

I enjoyed doing this task because hitting and running is my favourite part. I think I’m good at batting because I made the ball kinda far. I think I did well on running because it took some people to throw the ball to someone. I need to improve on fielding because I need to spread out more and try to catch the ball and throw it to someone close to one of the bases or tag them with the ball.