Month: August 2022


Today we played netball and dodgeball. Before we played, the netball coach taught us the rules on how to play netball which were No running with the ball, No bouncing the ball. Stay 1 miter away from the person that has the ball.

The skills we learned for netball were passing. For Example for passing you need people in a line or people to go in front of you to throw the ball to them. 

First coach spreated the girls and boys into 1 whole group and played netball. While we were playing netball there will be 2 people in the yellow circle to defend the ball from getting into the hoop and 2 people from the line needed to try and get the ball into the hoop by passing the ball.

Then we played a game where non bibs and bibs needed to grab the ball from the hula hoop and throw it to the people in your team to get it to the other hoop across. The non bibs lost to the netball game and the game where you get the ball to the other hula hoop. But they won the dodgeball game.

Lastly we went into the hall to play Jedi dodge. We needed to put the balls on the cones and when the coach plows the whistle that’s when we grab the balls and try to get the jedi out to get the whole team out. After we played, the coach said the non bibs won.

I enjoyed this activity because I like to play sports and netball is one of my favourite sports. I did well on defending the ball from trying to get in the hoop. I need to improve on blocking the Jedi less so I don’t get out.

Netball Diagram.jpg

How To Write A Proper Blog Post

Today we made a DLO showing how to write a proper blog post.

First you will need a Title for your blog post to tell people what you’re talking about.

Then you’re gonna need a Label to show what subject it’s about.

Next you need to write your Blog Post so people can read what it’s about.

Lastly you will need to make a DLO to explain the work you did.