Category: Hanga | Create

SLJ ComicQuest

For the first task of the Summer Learning Journey, we created a comic strip using our creativity, imaginenation, and the template and characters provided in this task. Me and my partner Mercy wanted to send a message to our audience which is to take care of our environment, we can do this by picking up rubbish and putting in the bin.

Our story is about a young girl wandering around the beach and she sees many things such as boys playing vollleyball, girls building sand castles and many more. As she was walking along the shore she hears people saying “free food”. Her curiousty got the better of her so she went towards the sound. She found that people were giving out free food to anyone which was a good deed, but there was a problem. The people hosting the free food event left a whole lot of rubbish which Mary picked up and made the beach beautiful and clean. 

We found this task interesting and fun because we used our creativity, imaginenation, and our ideas.


Diya Creating

LI: To follow the instructions to make your own origami diya (diva lamp).

The photo above shows my origami diya (diva lamp). Our first challenge was to watch the video that shows how to fold an origami diya (diva lamp). Before we could start we needed to use a ruler to measure a 20cm square piece of paper to make our own origami square. I found it really challenging because as I was going through the video I was finding it really difficult as I kept trying until someone had helped me out. 

I found this activity fun as well as hard because the steps were getting easy until it came to one bit where you had to fold and had got me confused. 

Inchcape Rock

LI: To find and summarise the story behind the poem

The ship sits still, no sight of wind nor waves. The waves overflow the bell, but no movement was found. A bell rings when the tide is high for sailors. Mariners go past the inchcape rock and blesses Abbot of Aberbrothok. As the sun was shining the sea-birds screamed and wheeled. The Inchcape rock was seen, Sir Ralph walked over his deck. He felt a singing sensation and sang with a mirth. His crew lowered a boat. He rowed to the Inchcape Rock. Sir Ralph cut the Inchcape bell from the inchcape float. The bell sank, Ralph quotes no one will bless Aberbrothok. Sir Ralph sails away with his stolen equipment from sailers. Rover notice it’s getting dark and was seeing no land. They thought they were nearby but saw complete darkness. Darkness is seen, they wish to hear the Inchcape bell. It was silent until crash “we’ve hit the Inchcape Rock”. Sir Ralph tore his hair and cursed himself in pain. Slowly dying, he hears the horrid sound of his death. 

Our challenge was to unpack the story behind the 17 verses of the poem Inchcape Rock by Robert Southy. The part I found interesting was when Sir Ralph (pirate) had cut the bell because he soon realised that he shouldn’t have chopped off the bell because there was no noise that could help him and his friends survive. 

I found this activity awesome because I enjoyed how I got to collaborate with different people and help them out with what they don’t understand. 


My Special Taonga

LI: To structure and write an explanation

Our challenge was to write an explanation to tell others about something we value as a special taonga. Our challenge was to make sure what we had written made sense and each idea was explored in a paragraph. My taonga is a special gift that I have received or have been given from my grandma as her ansectors passed it onto my nena parents and kept it going. I value this as a toanga because its something special that was hand made by my nenas ancestors.

I found this activity hard aswell as fun because this was preparing me for my test coming up although I got to explain what the thing was which was a kafa.

Class Rules and Expectations Poster

LI: To follow the classroom rules and expectations (including wet day procedures)

This week we did a PB4L poster discussing about the Class Expectations and Rules and why they’re important to follow. This poster is also about respecting the teachers and pupils in the classroom. An example of this is like not talking while the teachers are talking so that you can learn what your doing next.

I found this activity fun because I got to learn about the expectation of class and learning with my group about the rules and expectations of what we should not do in class.


Moko Ika Hikuwaru

Moko Ika Hikuwaru is a taniwha that has 8 tails. We drew what we think it would look like without tracing or copying any other designs and we also used our own prior knowledge on what designs to draw for our taniwha. We made our taniwha have four flamming red eyes and a wrinkly body leading to his 8 tails.

I found this activity fun because I got to work one of the best aritst in class and used our imaginations to complete this task.

A Momment In Time

LI: To recount and explore the learning and experiences from our Year 7/8 camp

Our group wrote a poem based on our senses like auditory, tactile, visual, and kinesthetic. We used our prior knowledge of the senses and unpacked different words and ideas that describes the Hunua Falls. These moment in time poems represent our experience at Kokako Lodge. One of our ideas were I felt nervous drifting away from the surface and feeling a deep sense of anxiousness. We then used word hippo to find more powerful words to strengthen our poems.

I found this activity interesting because we were helping each other, also by collabrating and sharing our ideas.


LI: To create a collage of photos to represent our experience at Kokako Lodge.

Our class created a collage of photos representing the time and experience we had at Kokako Lodge. The collage shows our achievements and the fun we experienced while being at camp. These photos also showcase the challenges we faced and how we overcame them. The collage we created is like a portfolio, that can give us a reminder on how we accomplished these difficult achievements. 

I found this activity really fun because we got to try out activities that we never thought we would do.


This week we have been learning about Summarising. Summarising is changing the long sentence into a short sentence.

First we needed to go on the mat with our group and talk about summarising For Example: Miss K showed us the slide on the tv.

Next Miss K read us a book called Goldilocks and we needed to find 20 important words to put in the slide or the paper Miss K gave us. After finding 20 important words we needed to pick 6 most important words. Then we needed to think what the 6 most important words are and make it in to a sentences that flow.

Lastly we needed to make a google draw or slide and explain what summarising is.

I enjoyed this task very much because it is teaching me how to make a long sentence into a short sentence. I did well at decorating the slide. I need to improve on finding and writing the information before decorating the google slide.

Rail Transportation

This week I learned about rail transportation.

First I needed to find 3 people to make a group of 4. The people in my group were Ane, Siniva, Jaylee, And Lisea. We needed to go to a table and wait for Miss White to give us a paper to write down what we think a stakeholder is. A stakeholder is when someone gets money for technology. Then we needed technology to get more money.

Next we needed to write on the piece of paper what we think and stakeholder is. Then we needed to turn the paper and write 10 facts about rail transportation.

Lastly we made a google slide or a google draw and put your facts in there.

I enjoyed this because I really enjoy learning about rails. I did well on the decorating. I need to improve on finding more information instead of decorating.